Webinar: Legal Updates for Nonprofits

By |2025-01-30T16:09:42-06:00January 30th, 2025|Compliance, Events, Nonprofit|

Join us for legal updates on issues affecting nonprofits and the communities they serve. We will share what we know (and what we don't!), with a focus on how to keep moving forward. Webinar will not be recorded. Scholz Nonprofit Law Jeff Mandell from Law Forward Grant Sovern from Quarles & Brady / Community Immigration Law Center Thursday, February 6, 2025 11 - 12:30pm CST Registration required. Questions about the webinar?  Email:  [email protected] Substantive client questions?   Email:  [email protected]

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Keep It Moving Forward

By |2019-04-25T00:07:57-05:00November 29th, 2016|Events|

Dear colleagues: I’ll be honest. November has been a tough month. I was thrilled when the short Thanksgiving workweek arrived and I could retreat to my home and family - - cooking and cleaning never looked so good. I’ve indeed enjoyed a few days at home, with my two older daughters home from college. As we celebrated Thanksgiving with friends, we stayed focused on all we have to be grateful for and, mostly, avoided the discouraging topic of politics, which has become so divisive. With a little breathing space, I took time to read the recent New Yorker interview [...]

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501(c)(3) or 509(a)? Your public charity is both.

By |2015-03-03T15:38:52-06:00March 3rd, 2015|501(c)(3), Definition, Events, Nonprofit, Private Foundation, Public Charity|

Today is the Big Share! Don’t miss the opportunity to support 70 local nonprofits dedicated to building a fair, just community and protecting the environment through this Community Shares of Wisconsin online giving event: http://www.thebigshare.org. Thanks to Community Shares and their Big Share partner, Madison Community Foundation, for hosting this event to support the important work of these organizations. And there will be another big share (of information) this week at the annual Wisconsin Nonprofit Association Conference: http://wisconsinnonprofits.org/Conference2015 , which is taking place in Madison on Thursday. With today’s focus on charitable donations to 501(c)(3) organizations, I want to [...]

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The Upside of Winter (plus a few important deadlines…)

By |2015-01-26T19:22:24-06:00January 26th, 2015|Events, Nonprofit|

Greetings! I find the upside of the winter season (Yes, upside. I'll never outgrow my California roots...) is that I can take advantage of the slightly quieter times to focus on organization and business details. Well, our mild-ish winter has brought an all-but-mild workload. So, before January completely escapes me, I want to post about a few important issues. Great Board Training Opportunity in Madison! I would like to call attention to this great training opportunity by Melanie Schmidt as part of her "Building Better Boards" series. Below is a blurb on Melanie's session: Nonprofit organizations have one thing [...]

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Welcome and Happy Holidays from Scholz Nonprofit Law!

By |2014-12-19T20:14:28-06:00December 19th, 2014|Events|

Dear friends, Welcome to the new Scholz Nonprofit Law website and my new blog!  We hope to make it easier to share information with you - - answers to client questions that may be of interest to a larger audience, snippets about community activities, and the occasional musings of Melissa.  Plus, we like the updated look and the chance to show off the photographs of our local photographer friend, Lisa Hempstead.  You can subscribe to the blog by entering your name and email in the sidebar to the right.   As I thought about what to write in this [...]

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